Wind Power Generation

Wind from land, ocean and mountains, all wind resources are converted to energy.

We promote the construction and management of wind power plants with the goal of expanding and increasing wind power generation using nature's unlimited wind resources.

Overview of Onshore Wind Power Generation

Wind power generation is spread across the globe as a clean source of energy that does not emit carbon dioxide.
Terras Energy has initiated the construction and management of wind farms.

Wind Farm Hamada

Wind Farm Hamada

“Wind farm Hamada” is constructed in Kanagi Town, Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture. The generation capacity of the total 29 wind towers is approximately 48,430kW (48.4MW) with an estimated annual output of 85,000,000kWh. Terras Energy has invested in this joint project with two other corporations.

Flow of Onshore Wind Power Generation

Wind condition and environmental impact are surveyed for a long period of time before developing a wind farm

Business Plan

Suitable sites for wind farms are decided based on existing materials and observation data from the Japan Meteorological Agency. Once a suitable location is found, wind strength and occurrence of turbulence are studied using NEDO's local wind map and wind simulator.

Wind Pattern Investigation

A wind observation point is selected by taking into consideration the theoretical study results and surrounding topography of the proposed location of the wind farm.
At the wind observation point a truss or monopole style wind observation tower, 50-60m tall, is built and data such as wind direction, wind speed and air temperature etc. is recorded every 10 minutes. The proposed site for the wind farm is observed for 1~3 years to see if wind is suitable for electricity generation all year round. This data is used to estimate the annual wind power generation of the farm.

Environmental Impact Assessment

At the time of power plant construction, we forecast and evaluate the potential impact on the natural environment and the living conditions of the local residents. Not only for the wind power plant with total capacity of more than 10,000kW (more than 75,000kW for Type II business), with which the environmental impact assessment law is imposed, Terras Energy implements voluntary environmental impact assessment. We plan a project in a careful manner by reflecting ideas and opinions collected from local residents through briefing sessions.

Consideration for environment and safety during the development phase

The wind farm development is a long process from planning, construction and until commercial operation. Terras Energy places importance on the environment and strives to be accepted by the local communities.

Material delivery at night time

We are making our best effort to avoid disturbance to the local community by delivering construction materials during the night time, low traffic hours with cooperation of the local community and the police officers.

Mechanism and structure of onshore wind power plant

Wind power generator, inverter and grid connection substation comprise a wind power plant. A large wind power generator could be taller than 100 meters in height, requiring a wide space for construction, which makes it essential to have adequate environmental impact assessment, satisfying ground survey, a sufficient design and a good maintenance plan. Terras Energy spends a few years to execute surveys on the project site and communicate closely with the local residents before operationalizing a project.

Renewable Energy Sourcing Support

We support corporate and municipal users to procure electricity from renewable sources.