As one of our main businesses, we provide support for the procurement of renewable energy electricity, including the supply of renewable energy electricity from our power plants to customers (CPPA).
Terras Energy’s efforts toward Carbon Neutrality
As a member of the Toyota Tsusho Group, we will act in accordance with the “Toyota Tsusho Group Carbon Neutrality Declaration” and aim to achieve this goal.

Current Status of GHG Emissions from Business Activities
Our company aims to promote the use of renewable energy and is developing solar and wind power generation, energy storage systems, and energy management businesses, but CO2 emissions are unavoidable in these business operations. Our company’s GHG emissions in FY2019 totaled 3,389t-CO2, with the source of emissions being electricity used at solar and wind power plants and in offices (both Scope 2).

Measures to reduce GHG emissions from business activities
We will achieve early decarbonization of emissions resulting from electricity used at our directly owned power plants and offices (319t-CO2 in FY2019) by utilizing non-fossil value trading and 100% renewable energy options from retail electricity suppliers.
In addition, we will discuss with our joint venture partners and consider similar decarbonization for emissions resulting from power plants owned by SPCs (3,070t-CO2 in FY2019) in which we invested or been contracted to operate and manage them.
Scope 3 Initiatives
We are developing a comprehensive VPP platform service called “ReEra”. Using this services, we support various businesses aiming to promote the use of renewable energy through our renewable energy aggregation business, which forecasts power generation and supports optimal operation by bundling multiple power plants.
Collaboration in the Communities Where Power Plants are Located
Since our founding, we have been working to build consensus on long-term carbon neutrality in the communities where our power plants are located through environmental education for children in those areas. We also cooperate with local governments in achieving carbon neutrality by participating in councils set up by those local governments where our power plants are located.